Empowering Clients Through Mindful Psychedelic Integration

At Mindful Psychedelics, LLC, ®, we want our clients to achieve maximum exploration, healing, integration, and change.

Our team has years of experience working with clients in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, integrative medicine, and mindfulness-based practices.  In addition to their professional expertise, they have personal experiences with legal psychedelics and plant medicines, giving them a unique and vital perspective.

Through our Mindful Psychedelic Integration Model (MPIM)™, individuals receive thorough preparation grounded in evidence-based approaches to ensure that their psychedelic sessions are as therapeutic as possible.

Our environment is a safe and welcoming space where individuals can openly share their profound experiences. We deeply value the therapeutic relationship between our clients and therapists, built on principles of empathy, transparency, and trust.

At Mindful Psychedelics, LLC, ®, our approach is client-centered, recognizing the uniqueness of each individual and tailoring treatment plans accordingly.

Our role is that of a support system, empowering our clients to access their inner healing potential and tap into their highest capabilities. Our ultimate objective is to facilitate meaningful and rapid changes in our clients' lives while helping them harness newfound strengths and capabilities.

We do not provide nor prescribe any psychedelic medicines, psychedelics, or plant medicines at our practice. Most are DEA Schedule 1 banned and illegal for use in the United States of America.

Meet Our Staff

  • I’ve been going to Mindful Psychedelics since 2022. I have experienced safety, acceptance, honest feedback, connection, and supportive guidance. My changes are profound. New insights continue to flow.

    I'm connecting (to myself and others) in new ways. My courage is strengthening and I’m moving forward where I have held back because of fear. I’m looking at life in a new way - understanding that everything happens for a reason and the challenges that come my way are mine, there’s something to learn, specifically for me. It’s all happening for me not to me. I am inviting curiosity instead of judgment (of self or others). When fear and anxiety appear, I don’t ‘live’ there as long - I use the tools I have been taught – mindfulness and connecting to my breath. I'm understanding more and more how connected we all are.

    The staff is professional and caring - they respect and understand the sacredness of this therapy. I always feel safe and know I am in trusted hands. Dr. Farin and Dr. Bibliowicz have a keen understanding of this process. Their care and compassion nourish my soul in ways that I never experienced. Amazing - it goes to show - it’s never too late (I’m in my 60’s!). These are two outstanding therapists, and I am forever grateful to have found them.

  • If you’re reading this, there’s a reason you landed here. I had a calling, found Mindful Psychedelics, (thanks Google!) made the initial call, and said “Yes.” My life is changing in ways I never could have imagined. This healing is cathartic and transformative. Whatever path you may be on, I wish the same for you." I had been in therapy for years and it was not until I was referred to Mindful Psychedelics that deep healing began to occur. Suffering from depression and anxiety for a long time, my work with Isaac led me on a deep dive towards self-realization. As Isaac witnessed and held space for me, I learned to be my own witness and found space to allow and hold love for all of my feelings. As Isaac held acceptance for me, I learned to accept myself. Learning to integrate the lessons given to me by my subconscious through my journeys has been a huge piece of my healing which Isaac has facilitated. This path towards self-actualization is a lifelong journey, and I am eternally grateful to Isaac. Thank you!!

  • Six months ago, I was emotionally paralyzed, stuck for almost a decade in mourning over my former life before my chronic diseases took over. Dr. Isaac Farin's mindful therapies, unique insights, wisdom, and compassionate approaches enabled me to make meaningful changes. Unlike my previous psychological therapy experiences, Isaac cut through my self-defeating over-analysis, helping me focus on key aspects that has dramatically improved my life satisfaction. Highly knowledgeable and empathetic, Isaac's passion for his work is infectious—I would recommend him to anyone seeking to reconnect with the joy and appreciation for life.

  • Dr. Isaac guided me through the most efficient and compassionate therapeutic journey. He taught me a number of modalities that I could use independently while expertly providing me with individualized care. Dr. Isaac is kind and works out-of-the-box while maintaining professionalism and excellent care. I believe that his practice administers top-notch psychedelic assisted therapy with careful planning and education beforehand and thorough integration afterwards. Everything about therapy with Dr. Isaac has felt intentional to my well-being as a patient. I highly recommend Mindful Psychedelics for anyone seeking progressive, top-tier help!

  • To Isaac, I just wanted to drop a note to show my whole-hearted appreciation and gratitude for all the time, help and advice you’ve given me. Therapy with you is very different than what I was used to, it is edgy, intellectually exciting. I always look forward towards our encounters and always come out of our sessions with clarity and a great sense of Presence. Thanks for all your wisdom. I am deeply touched and eternally grateful to have met you and for the work we’ve done together. Much love.

  • Dear Isaac, Thank you! Thank you! Eternally thankful. You gave me the gift of finding myself again, you opened my eyes, you opened my heart, you cured my anxiety. You healed me and everyone around me. Thank you for trusting me as much as I trusted you! Thank you for being so brave and sharing this unique gift you have. I will never forget you and will always bright lighter because of the amazing journey I had this year.

    Words are hard to find that accurately define my experience. Life changing? Unconditional? Caring? Loving? Honest? Family? None of these truly express the depth of gratitude that I have for Isaac and Vanessa. A combination of all of them. Plus a few more. Might get us there! I knew Mindful Psychedelics was special from our first meeting. This isn’t a “show up and dose” type of journey. There is a huge focus on Pre-use integration. Meetings. Learning. Reading. Breathing. Diet. Mindset. The whole nine yards. You are not going in unprepared. Trust me..I was terrified and anxious up until the last minute. Then I trusted. Then I surrendered. Then I reaped the rewards.

    I was prepared for every part of the journey. Having Vanessa breathing and meditating next to me was a game changer. Safety, comfort. Love. trust. Having Isaac chant and administer the medicine and guide was like nothing I could have expected. The process is hard. It takes work on your part. The results are priceless. I hope to be able to take this journey with Isaac and Vanessa AT LEAST once a year for as long as they will have me.They are doing amazing things